Palo Alto Historical Association Digital CollectionsPalo Alto Historical Association Digital Collections
Interested In Palo Alto History?

Our mission is to collect, preserve and make available to the public information about the history of Palo Alto.

We invite you to become a member of the Association and join those who care about Palo Alto and enjoy learning about its history.

Mayfield: The Town that Wouldn't Go Away by Raye C. Ringholz

Please see Publications for details on our recently published books.

Digital Collections

The Palo Alto Historical Association Digital Collections include a Photograph Collection of historical images of Palo Alto and neighboring cities, dating from 1870. Over 15,000 are currently available online. A separate collection features over 1,000 photos related to Palo Alto Children's Theatre activities. The new Moving Image and Audio Collection includes digitized film, video, and audio from the archive.

Digital Collections

Contact Us

Palo Alto Historical Association
P.O. Box 193
Palo Alto, CA 94302
(650) 329-2353

Steve Staiger
Darla Secor

Archives: (650) 329-2353

Latest News

Our online digital collections feature 11 audio histories including Josina Bol and Al Werry, 8 Palo Alto Children's Theatre films including "Places" and "Treasure Island" and 28 videos of PAHA Heritage programs including "Parkey Sharkey", "Palo Alto & The 1920 Olympics", and "Palo Alto Museum's Teen Council". Click on Digital Collections, Browse, select Moving Image and Audio Collection, Update to find the recordings.


Upcoming program -

The Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden

Sunday, March 2, 2025
2:00 - 4:00 pm

Palo Alto Art Center
1313 Newell Road
Palo Alto

For more information, visit the Programs page.